Teacher’s Webinar: Addressing Copyright Licensing Matters

CLASS hosted its teacher webinars series to help teachers evaluate copyright issues and address reusing copyrighted content challenges while teaching. As part of the CLASS outreach series, the webinars  covered the following  topics related to schools and higher education.

– Introduction to copyright licensing
– Understanding copyright laws in education
– Benefits of having copyright license

Educators are making use of copyrighted materials as part of their teaching process and to provide learning experiences in the classrooms. Through this webinar, they learn about the copyright ecosystem, the importance of obtaining a copyright license to avoid copyright infringement and adhere to the works of the rightsholder. With a copyright license, teachers are granted instantaneous access to an abundance of both domestic and international digital and hardcopy materials which they can make copies* for use in their classrooms. Additionally, this access is also convenient as the complicated process of negotiating the terms of use with copyright owners is eliminated with the license.

Enthusiastic smiles and participation from the attendees at the CLASS Educational Webinar Series

CLASS has developed a smart application called MYCLASSRecords (MCR). MCR is designed for teachers to submit their records anytime, anywhere on their mobile devices including tablets. The app features an easy navigation and functionality for teachers to submit their records by scanning or keying in the ISBN number found on books. With the app, users are now able to submit copy records efficiently while adhering to the copyright laws. (For more details regarding the MYCLASSRecords App, watch the step by step video guide @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q6Pwuh680I)

CLASS is committed to helping teachers and educators to access materials with ease and flexibility to ensure that their students have a fruitful and enriching learning experience – all without copyright infringement. To learn more about our vision and how we can elevate your teaching journey, contact us at info@class-singapore.com .

If you have any questions,
please contact us any time.